What is the Method Pisara® concept?

Method Pisara is the embodiment of new biology, epigenetics. According to this branch of science, thoughts have an effect on the functions and health of the body. Our main principle – “Your cells don’t lie” – is completely based on our views on the functions of the body at the cellular level. Our biology is strongly guided by signals coming from the environment of the cell. Our busy lifestyle can cause stress, fatigue and feelings of inadequacy, all of which take their toll on the body and the mind. Chronic overload can be manifested as physical of mental malaise. Its typical symptoms include overweight, cellulite, insomnia, depression, lack of energy, as well as problems with the back, thyroid, skin and intestines. Method Pisara® is a registered concept of health services, developed by Teresa Sepponen. Our concept can help to recognise hidden reasons for our overload and treat symptoms in a holistic way.


Who benefits of Method Pisara® treatments?

Method Pisara® treatments are suitable for everyone wishing to be healthy despite the challenges of our modern environment, feeling ready to commit to changing their lifestyle, and wishing to gain a healthy body and mind. Method Pisara® can help to prevent illnesses and to maintain health and wellness. The concept also supports the healing, purification and balance of life and body. Method Pisara® helps with energy, stress, ageing, underlying illnesses, overweight, cellulite, insomnia, as well as with issues of the skin and intestines. This method is suitable for people of all ages.

Read about customer experiences >>


How is my overall health surveyed?

Method Pisara® treatment always begins by planning a personal treatment pathway. During this first step, a licenced Method Pisara® therapist surveys the customer’s life situation, investigates factors behind problems and chooses a treatment package that is suitable for the customer. During the treatment, both physical and mental wellbeing are taken into account. For example, when treating cellulite, optimal results will be achieved by combining physiological treatment with health coaching. The stress levels of the body can be effectively lowered after investigating what has caused the stress. The pathway can include treatments, therapy and coaching by different professionals in the health and wellness industry. The planning process is free of charge.

See examples on our treatment pathways >>


The developer of the Method Pisara® concept

Method Pisara® concept was developed by Teresa Sepponen. Teresa is a plastic surgery nurse who specialises on functional medicine. Teresa got her inspiration for developing Method Pisara® concept while working as a nurse in plastic surgery. During her years as a nurse, she found out that plastic surgery only helped to change a minor sector. Quite often, the symptoms of the customers returned, and the benefits gained from surgery did not last for long. When studying human physiology and mental wellness, Teresa realised, that long-term results can only be achieved if underlying reasons for the symptoms are also recognised and if the person is treated in a holistic manner. This realisation was the birth of the Method Pisara® concept.

Teresa is very dedicated to her business and her clients. She has developed a genius health concept called Method Pisara, which attends to both body, mind and spirit. Teresa has tremendous energy and a capacity to know the value of new ideas. Always positive and encouraging.
Catarina Degerman

Teresa is extremely professional and the concept is brilliant!
Raakel Lignell


Where can I get Method Pisara® treatment?

Treatment, therapy and coaching under the Method Pisara® concept are performed by professionals in the wellness industry who have their basic training in beauty or healthcare industry and who are qualified as Method Pisara® therapists.


Are you a health and wellness professional? Are you interested in joining us as a Method Pisara® entrepreneur? Contact us!

Method Pisara

The pathway towards permanent changes of the body and the mind.